Executive Director Dr. Kimberly Milhoan writes on Substack
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Help wanted but not allowed–a rewrite
A plea for consistency: all lives are worthy of trying to save
A Missing Pillar
An unpublished plea, submitted to and rejected by numerous publications
Shadows of Dreamland
A rejected-for-publication reflection on our approach to the COVID-19 crisis, written in July 2020
We’ve Kept the Doors Open Update
An early epidemiologic analysis of COVID-19 infection during two months of church food pantry service
We Kept the Doors Open
The initial experience of our church on Maui operating a food pantry during COVID lockdown, from the pastor’s perspective
My COVID Journey, First Installment
My first journalistic installment for anyone who would read: what if we got it wrong? A friend advised me to use a different picture. I think it actually encapsulates months of emotion.
Letter to a Christian Magazine Editor
Is going to church a violation of the command to “love your neighbor”?